a fun pediatric exam room with fish decals on the wall
a pirate ship themed pediatric exam room

Sick Visits

We keep appointments open for urgent, same day visits.  The urgency of the appointment will be determined by phone triage. Urgent visits will be scheduled the same day, whenever possible, based on triage of your child's condition. Non-urgent (follow-up chronic illness) will be scheduled within 2 days or as deemed appropriate by Dr. F. Groden M.D.

Well Child Visits

Well visits can usually be scheduled within 10 to 14 days. Please call our office to schedule your child's well visits in advance.  We provide reminder calls the day before your child's appointment.  Your child will be seen by his or her primary care clinician for well visits.

Telephone Calls

All telephone calls will be answered by a staff member during office hours.  Urgent call will be answered within an hour by a staff member.  Non-urgent calls and advice will be returned by the end of the business day, whenever possible.

After Hours

You can call the office at 508-961-2403 and you will be directed to the answering service.  If our office is not available you will be directed to which physician is on call. You will receive a phone call within the hour.  Appointments will be scheduled in the off hours as deemed appropriate by Dr. Groden or the on call physician.  If you have an emergency that needs immediate attention and cannot wait for a call back, please head directly to an Emergency Room closest to you.

Specialist Visits/Referrals

Our office can assist you in finding specialists. Whenever possible, visits with multiple physicians and or diagnosis tests will be coordinated in one trip.  If you have insurance which requires a referral, please call us in advance and provide the specialist's name, contact information and date of your child's appointment.

Prescription Refills

Prescriptions should be called in during regular office hours.  Please allow 24 hours notice for all refills when possible.

an exciting jungle-themed pediatric exam room
a pediatric exam room with lighthouse-themed wall decals

In Case of Emergency

Call 911 if your child:

  • Is not breathing or turning blue.
  • Has sudden unconsciousness or cannot be awakened.
  • Is having a seizure (convulsing).
  • Has severe unstoppable bleeding.

Go to the emergency room when your child has...

  • Severe breathing difficulty.
  • Multiple or serious injuries, including fractures (broken bones).
  • Severe allergic reaction (swollen lips swollen tongue, difficulty breathing)

Call Poison Control at 1-800-682-9211

If you believe your child may have eaten a poison or other toxic substance, you should first call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-682-9211

Call Horizon Pediatrics

If you're not sure whether your child's condition is life threatening, please call our office to help determine whether emergency treatment is needed.